Should I Paint That? Painting Stucco

Painting Stucco

It’s finally time—you absolutely must do something about that old, discolored stucco. But, is it necessary to paint it? Is it even advisable? Basically, you have three options: pressure washing, re-stuccoing, or painting. You can stucco over existing stucco only if you haven’t painted it already. This option is the least utilized of homeowners with stucco exteriors, mostly because the process is complicated, costly, and typically lengthy. Pressure washing and painting are the more quality- and cost-effective methods of giving your stucco a facelift. Out of these two options, painting provides the most obvious and long-lasting benefits. The long and short is that you should paint your stucco if one of these three applies to you:

  • You want a uniquely-colored stucco

  • You’ve already painted it and want to restore the efficacy and beauty of your stucco

  • Cost plays a role in your decision-making

So, what do you get out of a quality stucco paint job? Read on for the top five benefits of painting your stucco!

1.) Stain Coverage

Over the years, water and rust stains can accumulate usually beneath window frames. Professional painters know which products are best to cover these unsightly stains so that they won’t resurface.

2.) Hairline Crack Filling

Large cracks in stucco need to be repaired with exterior caulk or masonry patching prior to painting, but hairline cracks in the stucco surface will naturally be filled when the thick stucco paint is applied.

3.) UV Ray Resisting

If the paint on your stucco exterior walls has been eroding for some time, you may have already noticed the feeling of reduced insulation. Over time, UV rays damage paint on stucco, which impairs the material’s ability to function properly and insulate the home. Painting stucco restores your home’s proper insulation by deflecting these harmful rays.


4.) Moisture Sealing

Before it’s painted for the first time, natural stucco absorbs water and becomes a darker color until it’s dry. Quality paint applied by a professional team will cover the stucco completely so that moisture doesn’t penetrate it. This way, rain or shine, your stucco will remain a consistent, beautiful color.

5.) Color Variety

It isn’t possible to achieve dark stucco if you’re pigmenting the stucco material itself. Paint is the only thing that will do that job. So, if you have a unique vision for your exterior design that requires dark or vivid colored stucco, paint is your best friend!

The longevity of any stucco paint job is dependent on environmental factors, the quality of the paint, and the quality of the workmanship. Typically, stucco needs to be repainted every 5 to 10 years, but the proper set of circumstances can keep your stucco looking and performing like new for over 20 years without peeling or blistering. If you are in need of an experienced professional painting crew, well-versed in the environmental conditions of northeast Ohio, we would love to hear from you! The prompt and tidy staff at PaintPositive use eco-friendly products and high-tech tools to deliver superior quality painting for projects at fine residential and commercial properties in the greater Cleveland and Akron areas. Call us today at (330) 860-4508 or visit our website for more information!



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