Refresh your Home with Power Washing

Top 5 Reasons Power Washing is a Great Option to Refresh your Home 

The beginning of Spring is sometimes a bit of a roller coaster with the changing weather and the sun starting to warm the days. Similar to the roller coaster of weather, as a homeowner you may also experience a roller coaster of emotions when trying to decide the best projects to freshen up your home. While there are a lot of options available to dive into as the weather breaks. Consider Power Washing, it has multiple benefits, makes a huge difference aesthetically, and doesn’t break the budget! PaintPositive offers power washing as an exterior residential or commercial service that will leave you satisfied. 

What is Power Washing:

The definition of power washing is pretty self explanatory based on the name. Power washing is the act of using pressurized water to clean dirt, algae, and other contaminants from outdoor surfaces. A power washer, otherwise known as a pressure washer, is the powered machine that makes cleaning the surface possible. Instead of using elbow grease and scrubbing, power (or pressure) washing is a faster, more effective way to clean. Cleansers used in these machines treat the surface for the typical contaminants like dirt, grime, algae, mold, and mildew, followed by the perfect pressure to rinse everything away.

Five Reasons to Call a Professional Nearby for Power Washing 

PaintPositive employee powerwashing
  1. Overnight Curb Appeal Boost

Some of the most satisfying home projects are the ones that cause a drastic visual difference in a before and after comparison. You may have seen some of the viral video trends following this process, because it is just really amazing to see the results. Whether you have grime and dirt covered siding, or maybe a concrete path overgrown with moss and dirt, the difference after a professional power wash job will shock you! Curb appeal is also not just important for your home, they are also extremely important for commercial locations. Whether or not it is a fair judgment, the consumer will begin judging your business and product before even walking inside. Make sure they are happy with what they see! 

2. Maintenance to save Money

Your home is an investment that it is in your best interest to protect as it is normally the most valuable thing you will own. When it comes to protecting your home, small preventative maintenance such as power washing can go a long way when avoiding costly repairs down the line. Utilizing this simple maintenance project consistently you can take years off the appearance of your home and keep it looking newer for years longer than without. 

3. Eco-Friendly

Any professional company you are looking to hire for power washing should be EPA-certified like we are here at PaintPositive, which means our detergents are biodegradable but still tough enough to remove all mold, mildew, dirt, and debris. We can guarantee all of our cleaning solutions are non-toxic and safe for the family – including the furry members. In addition our techniques are proven safe on your grass, plants, and other greenery around your home.

4. Increase Property Value

If you’re looking to sell as a homeowner or a realtor, power washing could be the difference between making a sale and not. Exteriors degrade, discolor, and oxide as time passes. Because of this, your property can lose value. Power washing helps your home look new on its own without a brand new paint job. According to studies, a good pressure washing along with needed paint touch-ups and exterior enhancements can help increase the value of your home by as much as 2-5%. Companies like PaintPositive are experts in both!

5. Prevent Damage

Moisture and other harsh conditions during the winter months can cause serious damage and stains to your home’s exterior surfaces. If you allow the grime to stay on your surfaces, the result can be permanent damage. Mold damages painted surfaces and concrete coatings if left unchecked for long periods of time, actually feeding on the paint and finishes, therefore, removing them. Crevices are the perfect grounds for the accumulation of dirt, algae, and grime, while mildew and mold thrive in shaded areas and can grow unchecked for years if not properly taken care of. Power washing removes dirt and grime and prevents it from turning into permanent damage, especially when done consistently.

Why do you need a professional?

  1. The best equipment for the best results

As far as equipment is concerned, more than likely you do not already own a pressure washer, and would have to incur the cost to rent one. This can get expensive especially under the time from the renter and the added pressure of trying to perfect a brand new skill in about a 4 hour window. Professional companies, like PaintPositive own state of the art equipment and know how to use it! 

2. Avoid Damage to the Property

Though we just talked about pressure washing being a key way to prevent damage from grime and dirt build-up, pressure washers themselves can actually cause damage to surfaces if the user is inexperienced. Pressure washers are capable of a range of pressures and you’ll need to know the correct settings to use on the material you’re washing or you could cause scratches, chips, or even worse with the washer itself. Luckily us professionals already know these settings and how and when to use them! 

3. Avoid Damage to yourself

Accidentally hitting yourself with the jet from a pressure washer can cause serious, gruesome injuries. There’s also the possibility of slipping and hurting yourself, or falling from a ladder while trying to reach difficult spots. None of these injuries are worth the risk when the professionals are experienced and know how to keep safe from harm more often than not. 

A good power wash is not just a luxury for the home, it is also a necessity. You will receive immediate and amazing results that will make you excited to host guests, or boost the sale price depending on your goals at home! Remember, this is not just for homes either, commercial building benefits in all the same ways as homeowners and will save time and money both now and later when you hire an expert in your area like PaintPositive, where just like the name we are dedicated to providing you with a positive customer experience. We use only the top of the line equipment with extensively trained staff to leave you with consistent and fabulous results each and every time. Call or text PaintPositive today at 330.860.4508, or simply visit our website to schedule your free estimate today! 


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