Adding an Accent Wall to Your Home

When you’re looking to repaint a home, you might have questions about colors being a faux pas. You might think about keeping colors tame and moderate, especially so your house feels like a laid-back and inviting space. Full-color rooms can sometimes be a bit much for your home. Colors that are too bright or too dark can affect the usage of those rooms. So what can you do? 

If you want to add color to your house, you can incorporate accent walls throughout your home. This is a way of using a colorful wall to bring attention to “dead spots” in houses, spaces that often get overlooked, or that you’d like to receive more attention. 

Benefits of Accent Walls

They can liven up a room and bring variety to your home, allowing for some individuality, and one wall or corner in any room is easy to change up if you feel the need in the future. Repainting the entire room could be a very daunting task while changing an accent wall is much easier. 

Accent walls are a great way to bring in bright or bold colors without them being overwhelming to the room or becoming distracting. This allows you to design focal points in the room– you can pair these walls with some decor you want to be central to the focus, or detract from other parts of the room you want to be less focused upon. 

Where Should You Put an Accent Wall?

You might think that accent walls might be best for communal rooms, but you can have an accent wall anywhere in your home. Furnished basement? Sure. Media Room? Absolutely. Bedroom? Without question. Accenting your living spaces is perfect anywhere in your home, from kitchens to bathrooms. 

In some spaces, accent tile walls might be a better fit, aesthetically, but the concept is the same.  You can liven up any room and bring more energy to it with those accents. Depending on the color you choose, you can even brighten up rooms– bright colors reflect natural light very well. The opposite can be true with darker colors, which can hold heat from light and make a space warmer near the accent walls. Darker colors work well as a contrast to lighter house decore, while those brighter colors work well against darker neutral colors in decor and furnishings. 

All you need to do is plan out which parts of the house you’d like to focus on and you can paint those any color you want. No two accent walls have to have the same color as another from room to room. You can change it up depending on what aesthetic you want throughout your house to add visual diversity to your rooms. You can do it yourself or hire a professional depending on your preference and the size or number of walls you’d like done. We can help you figure out what colors might best suit your home, or help you address areas of your home that might deserve a little more attention.


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