Your 2020 Spring Cleaning Checklist

Spring's bright blossoms, longer and lighter days, and chorus of sweet birdsong has seemed to slip into 2020 under cover of darkness. But, just as nature has woken up from her winter slumber, so must we snap ourselves out of the first few cooped-up, murky months of this year. And, what better reason to hop up off our couches (and out of our "day pajamas") than to set the scene for loads of warm-weather memories! Time spent in our own personal outdoor havens is a treat, whether it's enjoyed alone or with company, but the area has got to be de-cluttered and prepped to really create space for moments of bliss all spring and summer long. Check out our list of top areas around the exterior of your home on which to focus your spring cleaning efforts this year!


Do a basic, all over de-cluttering of the lawn by raking out old, soggy leaves, or splurge on a landscaper who can provide raking, tilling, and grass seed replenishment in one go. This is also the perfect time to start pulling weeds--flower and vegetable garden, front and back lawn--everywhere the sun shines, the weeds are also vying for life!


A quick blast with a hose will determine if your gutters are leaky or if the spout is just clogged, in which case, you can pop on some latex gloves, scale a ladder, and quickly remove the debris causing the blockage.


Screens are the most often neglected component of effective window washing, and it shows; remove screens and wash with water from a hose or with soapy water and a brush if necessary. **Bonus tip: Use a squeegee to clean with a warm water and dish soap solution, and don't forget the hardware that vinyl windows typically have to allow you to tilt the window in to clean both sides!


Organize by assigning and arranging hobby-specific areas. And, if your garage or man door has windows, don't forget to hit those quickly before you put away the supplies for cleaning the windows on the house!


The most common issues to watch for with wood fencing is rot and loose rails. If your fence is metal, you'll want to pay attention to any holes or pulling away from the ground which could lead to unwanted creatures finding their way into your backyard!


First, use a pressure washer to clean dirt and mildew-stained or weather-beaten patches. Second, to really freshen up your deck, re-stain, choosing one with a protective finish to repel water and degrading UV rays.


The granddaddy of spring cleaning advice is this--if you're only going to do one thing, do it to your siding. Whether you just want to pressure wash or you've decided that it's finally time to paint again, taking care of the siding on both your home and garage is vital to creating a put-together outdoor space where you can truly relax.

Feeling like we're "slaying at home" has become an important part of our daily philosophy, so a beautiful spring weekend of planning and execution based on this checklist really can (and should!) leave you feeling like a superstar. But, if you find yourself more interested in gardening projects or other tasks and would like to discuss how we can help meet and exceed your exterior painting or pressure-washing needs this spring, contact us here or call (330) 860-4508 to schedule your free estimate appointment. Let's find out just how many spring tasks we can check off your list!


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