Wallpaper: Paint Over It Or Remove It?

When you hear the word wallpaper, do you immediately think of tacky and flowers? It isn’t always but when you’re ready for an update on the wallpaper in your home, you have an important decision to make. Do you paint over it or remove it? There may be no cut-and-dry answer, but let’s dive into each option.

Removing Wallpaper: While it’s not always the easier route, removing the wallpaper can be the better choice. If there are any creases in the wallpaper, painting over them will only highlight each little imperfection and sometimes the wallpaper pattern will show through the paint. Provided the wall has no damage, removing the wallpaper can create a more seamless look. The paint may bubble end up with bubbles due to the moisture affecting the wallpaper adhesive as well. And removing the wallpaper is a better route if you intend on living in the home long-term for a longer-lasting paint job.

Painting Wallpaper: Not everyone has the time required to remove wallpaper, so the painting can be a nice quick fix. Consider how long you’ll be in the home and if it’s worth the energy and effort required to remove; if not, paint away for a fresher look! Some older homes have many (MANY) layers of wallpaper. When removing the wallpaper, the damage done to the walls may be more hassle than necessary. Perhaps you can save yourself some stress by simply painting over it in that case.

Whatever your wallpaper and/or painting desires, hire professionals who can deliver high-quality paint and years of expertise.

The team at PaintPositive ensures your satisfaction with all painting projects in Northeast Ohio, including Hudson, Fairlawn, and Bath. Reach out to begin your interior painting transformation today!


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