Easy Ways to Refresh Your Home

stylish interior living room

How to Refresh Your Home & Create a Cozy Ambiance

As spring approaches and the pressure of spring cleaning comes along, don’t forget that spring cleaning can also include refreshing your home and completing small home projects to completely transform your home decor. Adding new colors, an accent wall, painting your kitchen cabinets are all affordable projects professionals like PaintPositive can help you master. 

More ideas to refresh your home decor and create a cozy ambiance include:

1. Add soft lighting: Use warm-toned light bulbs or string lights to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in your space.

2. Layer textures: Mix and match different textures, such as fluffy rugs, warm blankets, and throw pillows, to add depth and comfort to your home.

3. Bring in nature: Incorporate houseplants or fresh flowers to add a touch of nature and freshness to your space. Fun Fact: They not only look beautiful but also help purify the air.

4. Play with colors: Choose a color scheme that creates a calm and cozy vibe, such as warm neutrals or soft pastels. Paint an accent wall or add colorful accessories to liven up the space.

5. Create cozy nooks: Set up a reading corner with a comfortable chair, a cozy blanket, and a side table to create a perfect spot for relaxation and reading.

6. Display personal mementos: Showcase meaningful items like family photos, travel souvenirs, or cherished artwork to add a personal touch and make the space feel more inviting.

 7. Update your curtains or blinds: Choose curtains or blinds in light, flowy fabrics or rich, textured materials to add a sense of coziness and privacy to your home.

Remember, these are just some ideas to get you started. Feel free to mix and match according to your personal style and preferences. Enjoy transforming your home this spring and remember PaintPositive offers free estimates as well as a free color consult, book an appointment to get started! 


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