Are Accent Walls Still In? Best Ways to Incorporate


Interior design trends often seem to come and go, but what about accent walls? They add a pop of brightness into an otherwise dull room. Our opinion: they are here to stay. Although accent walls may seem intimidating to incorporate, we have a few techniques to add to your home.

  • Adding Color To a Neutral Room

One of the most basic ways to add an accent wall into your home is by painting one wall a bright color while the rest remain neutral. This adds a pop of color to an otherwise dull room.

  • Drawing Attention to an Overlooked Area

Sometimes we have elements of our home that we think are stunning, but guests tend to overlook them. Adding an accent wall behind your favorite space is a great technique to add interest to space.

  • Completing a Themed Bedroom

Many children’s bedrooms have themes, such as sports teams, movies, or video games. There is often a bright color the kids want to be involved, but parents don’t want their walls to be coated in. As a compromise, you can select that bright color to be an accent wall. The color is still in their room, but it is not overbearing.

  • Use Wallpaper as an Accent Wall


When we think of creating an accent wall, we automatically think of paint. If you are looking to add something more original, you can use wallpaper instead. Wallpaper is also currently a very trendy choice!

  • Create an Accent Ceiling

Traditionally, accent walls are on, well, walls. But did you ever think about painting your ceiling a nontraditional color? Some of our favorites are grey and navy blue.

Accent walls are a trend that will likely last years. There are countless ways to incorporate them into your favorite spaces. No matter which design options you choose, it is important to have a professional completing the job. Here at PaintPositive, we have been brightening the community and its walls for years. 


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